Tuesday, January 19, 2010

regular ole Tuesday

Today was so warm I was walking around town in a tank top and flip flops. I'd say this is weird weather--but it really isn't for Arkansas. And I'm not complaining one bit.

Tonight I am making some art journals. One for Mr. Martini's future sister-in-law (above) and one for my old high school chum, Heather. While I worked on journals, I made a big pot of delicious chicken and dumplings, which always makes me think of my grandma. If she knew I was coming over she usually made a pot.

I'm working up some ideas for new classes and playing around with the idea of doing some sort of mail order classes, too. Well, the mail order thing wouldn't so much be a class, but a package that contains journaling materials and prompts revolving around a particular theme. This would probably be something that I sell on Etsy.

It is just hard to focus on creative work when taking care of the day to day stuff is such a struggle. Surely I will find employment soon! I keep telling myself something has to give soon. It does, right??

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