Friday, July 31, 2009

current art journal pics-click for larger pic

current art journal pics-click for larger pic

current art journal pics-click for larger pic

current art journal-click for larger pics

brief update

In my old neighborhood, men would slow down and pull alongside me as I was walking and ask if I knew where they could find a date.

Here, when walking to the store, I get honked at, whistled at, and approached by men that try to be suave with the same old line, "Nice ink. Need a ride?"

I'd rather be mistaken for a hooker any day; a working girl rather than a walking piece of meat that motherfuckers think they can get for free.

End rant.

So, my poor neglected blog.

I haven't written here since I called off the New Mexico move.

I'm living with Kevin and Wit-Knee (again) and happy as a clam about it. I love being under the same roof as two of my favorite people in the whole wide world. With that said, it is a temporary state for me--two months, max--until I can get my own place.

What else? Let's see...

The classes I taught at the gallery went well and I have been asked back to teach more. I'll be spending the month of August prepping for a few months worth of classes. I've also been asked to man the gallery's booth for an upcoming youth art fest, where I will be showing a simple, but fun, printmaking technique to the kiddos.

I've come to the awful realization that I am going to have to get a "real" job. That is really going to cut into my ME time, my art time, my FREE time. This starving artist is getting hungry for a bigger portion of the good stuff on my plate, though. I wish I could say it has been fun, but poverty is fucking exhausting.

Laundry calls. Current art journal pics will be posted in the nexy 24 hours.

con amore, candy

Friday, July 17, 2009

Today was a hella good day. Tokyo ran away, but... he came back! The newspaper called and interviewed me. They are sending a photographer to tomorrow's art journal class and will be running the story on Tuesday. And I kinda feel like I am glowing after having a really nice first date with a very cool person. Kissy kissy. Oh my.

Okay, I have work to do.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The worst part about trying to find closure to this relationship that seems to haunt me daily is that he won't talk to me. He broke up with me and cut me off, leaving me with a lot of things I feel like I need to know and understand. We used to be best friends. We shared everything; failures, successes, secrets. And now there is just nothing. No knowing. It is a form of torture, I think. I feel like I have been punished enough. Not just by him, but all of them.
Change of plans.

I'm not going to Fayetteville. Instead, I am packing up and moving out to the Taos/Sante Fe area August 2 after a few quick days in Albequerque. 17 days, baby! You bet your ass that I am counting them down.

The only thing I am sad about is that my son doesn't want to make the move with me. He is being typically 16 and all wrapped up in his friends right now. But we discussed it tonight, and he is definitely going to come spend his X-mas vacation with me. We can play in the snow!!

I'm happy with the way the art journal class turned out. Well, I have some problems with it, actually, but the students were happy (it is a good measure if they sign up for the next two art classes after attending the first class, right?)so I consider it a success. The main issue I have with it is that the students didn't get to complete the final assignment, which the entire class was building up to. Something I need to work on--pacing, timing, what have you.

We concentrated on symbolism--using first group symbols and then personal symbols--to express our life, relationships, and so on. I think this is the right path to take with this class and I am going to stick to it. There are going to be lots of oppurtunities to teach workshops in the Santa Fe/Taos area, I do believe. So much art!! I have already applied for a job as a gallery manager in that area. As Whitney said when writing up my resume for me, DAmn, I look GOOD on paper!

Tonight Kyle and I walked around and watched the sun set and then the moon rise and all I could think about was what it might look like in New Mexico. I just know it is going to look a lot better.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Art Journal Workshop tomorrow. Whitney and I have been busy little bees, getting it all together. I don't know what I would do without her sometimes.

Trying to unpack at the new place and figure out what I want to take to Fayetteville and New Mexico with me is frustrating. Yeah, if all goes according to plan I will be leaving Arkansas Sept. 1. Hopefully I will be settling around the Taos area, but somewhere else may appeal to me more when I get there. Anyway, I am trying to get all my art supplies in a portable state. At first it will just be my clothes, art supplies and my dog. Simple. I like it.

This is going to be a crazy busy month. I am ready for it to be over so I can get on with my life away from here.

The Ativan I took is making me not care about this blog post. Sorry.