Sunday, April 19, 2009

wonder wonder full

So I am sitting at Joy's Scorpion Lounge where I come every morning to check my e-mail. The Scorpion (or the 'Peen' as we like to call it) has a reputation for being THE WORST bar in town. I feel at home here and it is just a few blocks from my apartment. We love the Peen so much that we had our wedding reception here! The bar opens at 7am and we have coffee until 9am, then I have a Coke and everyone else gets started on their particular poison. Today we are doing kaoroke and eating some delicious beans and cornbread. Sundays...

So somebody came along and made an honest women out of me at long last. Yeah, we decided to get married and did the deed in a matter of six days. A beautiful, rock-n-roll wedding. The news was there, filming the whole thing and interviewing us. I'll post video when I get it.

Married life is wonderful. Mr. talent is wonderful. Tokyo is wonderful. Kyle and Kali are wonderful.

Besides getting hitched I've been busy painting, writing songs and putting together a magazine.

By request I will be posting regularly once again.

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