Friday, July 31, 2009

brief update

In my old neighborhood, men would slow down and pull alongside me as I was walking and ask if I knew where they could find a date.

Here, when walking to the store, I get honked at, whistled at, and approached by men that try to be suave with the same old line, "Nice ink. Need a ride?"

I'd rather be mistaken for a hooker any day; a working girl rather than a walking piece of meat that motherfuckers think they can get for free.

End rant.

So, my poor neglected blog.

I haven't written here since I called off the New Mexico move.

I'm living with Kevin and Wit-Knee (again) and happy as a clam about it. I love being under the same roof as two of my favorite people in the whole wide world. With that said, it is a temporary state for me--two months, max--until I can get my own place.

What else? Let's see...

The classes I taught at the gallery went well and I have been asked back to teach more. I'll be spending the month of August prepping for a few months worth of classes. I've also been asked to man the gallery's booth for an upcoming youth art fest, where I will be showing a simple, but fun, printmaking technique to the kiddos.

I've come to the awful realization that I am going to have to get a "real" job. That is really going to cut into my ME time, my art time, my FREE time. This starving artist is getting hungry for a bigger portion of the good stuff on my plate, though. I wish I could say it has been fun, but poverty is fucking exhausting.

Laundry calls. Current art journal pics will be posted in the nexy 24 hours.

con amore, candy

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