Monday, February 2, 2009


I am a list maker. I love my lists. But I have decided that instead of making endless "to do" lists that can never possibly get done and just stress me out and overwhelm me, I am going to cap off the day with a list of things that I DID accomplish. I tried it last night and it was far better than any to-do list.

I made two new PDF collage sheets for your consideration. Another Gypsy Love sheet, and a Vintage Circus sheet. We will be filming a vlog on transfers this evening. 

Mr. Martini brought home a copy of Art Journaling magazine for me. It is just beautiful, more like a book than a magazine, and full of inspirations and techniques. 

I'm suffereing from a bit of insomnia lately, and it was much worse last night. I have a lot on my mind--mainly packing and moving. I know I am getting the hell out of Almania, but where exactly I am going is the big question. Everyone wish me luck in finding a happy, cozy home that I can create in.    


Jocelyn in Wonderland said...

WIshing you loving creative space and happy relaxing sleep. Have you tried the Candlelight Yoga dvd by Crunch? A nightime ritual has been key in my struggle with insomnia that and alot of benadryl!

Write to me woman!

Kevin M Smith said...

I really wanna win that tiara!