Thursday, December 17, 2009

Guy Friendly DIY Christmas Gifts

Now that I have vented about the holidays, I feel like I can face what is before me. Fact is, I don't want to be a total scrooge to those around me that manage to find some joy in the season. So I do participate to a degree.

I am spending X-mas Eve with the fam, and I want to do something nice for some friends. I do love gifting. I like to mix it up with a combination of mostly diy gifts and a few thoughtful store-bought things. This year it is going to have to be VERY thoughtful because I barely have two pennies to rub together right now. (BTW, I am looking for a job! Hire me!)

Christmas is a week away and I have decided to participate. Heh. This is gonna be crazy.

This morning I scoured the net for cheap and easy diy gifts. I usually find crafting for men a challenge, so my search was focused on guy friendly gifts. Here are some of my faves:

Dali inspired Melted Clock Even tough guys like the art of Salvadore Dali. True fact.

Recycled Cradit Card Guitar Picks Good stocking stuff for that guitar god in your life.

Masking Tape and Bleach T-Shirts Guys feel special when they are wearing a one-of-kind t-shirt.

Recycled Magazine Coasters These would be nice to present with a six pack of a good imported beer.

More Recycled Coasters  As would these.

Decorated Flask I found a plain, stainless steel flask at the grocery store for 4 bucks recently.

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