Friday, January 23, 2009

free form crochet and other stuff

Nothing like a bad picture of yourself to make you realize that it is time to have the brows wax. Rest easy, everyone, I had that taken care of today.

I'm in LOVE with

It is such a feast for the senses. She makes gorgeous bags and clothing. I want one of her bags desperately, but they are waaaay out of my budget at $600. I love the story of how she made and sold her first bag. Seriously, go check out the website. 

I think when things slow down (yeah, like that will EVER happen) I am going to try to make my own. The bags remind me of Freeform Crochet, which I got into for awhile. Basically, you make "scrumbles" using different colors and textures of yarn with various stitches and motifs. It is completely non-structured and fun.

1 comment:

Kozmicbluesbaby said...

Those are so cool, very unique