Friday, January 9, 2009

Our president elect has product! I found these "Ba-
Rock-On"stickers at the Wal-Mart in Alma, Arkansas... the town with maybe 3 people of color. Amazing. And it was the last package on the rack.

I decorated the globe light I bought yesterday and hung it in the bedroom. It is so pretty in person.

Today will be another busy day. I have several projects going, cleaning to do, I need to go to the post office, the vet, take my son to an appointment, do some other running around in Fort Smith, and so on. I was absolutely pooped last night and I expect tonight will be the same. And my migraine is still lingering. It only hurts when there is light, sound or movement. Heh. Hopefully I won't be too tired to post later.

1 comment:

Covered In Crafts said...

That globe looks great! Cool idea!